Vol. 18 No. 6                                                                                                                             May 2007

Published by Atlanta Stereographic Association © 1990, 2007


Refocus That Please - by Bill Moll

This month’s program will be a workshop on digital 3D projection and Club Competition Night.  Suzanne and Steve Hughes will explain how to create a digital 3D show.  Then, we will have the first club competiton including digital projection.  You will be able to enter four images in each of the three categories – up to 12 imaes in all.  The categories are digital images, Realist-format slides and stereocards.  If you wish to enter over/under cards, please bring a viewer.  Please try to email the digital images to Suzanne (suzanne@shughes.com) by Thursday or bring on a memory stick.

The meeting is the 2nd Friday of this month –May 11th. We will meet at 7:30 PM at the Congregational Church @ 2676 Clairmont Road (about 1 1/2 blocks south of I-85) This is the Church up the winding road, through the woods.  If you have any questions, call Bill Moll @ 706-859-7726.


April meeting report:

15 people attended the meeting.  Dodo and Mike Griffith provided refreshments.  The PSA Sequence Exhibiton was shown.  Our own club members, Steve and Suzanne Hughes won 3rd (?) place with a sequence from New Zealand.


The show-and-tell featured the new 3D World medium format camera, hand viewer and mounting jig.  Steve Hughes and Mike Griffith showed the latest presidential 3d resurrection from images taken of Fillmore(?).  The image was excellent – and the transformation from the spotted and mediocre originals was impressive (it was image condition cleanup – not 3D creation)

(personal note: – always write up the meeting report immediately following the meeting)


Upcoming 3D Events:

July 10-17, 2007 - NSA Convention/ISU Congress in Boise, Idaho.  See http://2007.nsa3d.org/ for more details and forms.


W. Moll

Editor, Freeview

608 Rains Circle

Summerville, Georgia 30747



















Program – Digital 3D Show Workshop,

Club Competition



5DUES - Dues for 2007 are $20.  The special rate for couples is still $30 and the rate for non-local members remains at $10.  Please pay Marilyn Morton at a meeting, or mail her a check made out to Atlanta Stereographic Association.  Mail to Marilyn Morton, 1139 ˝ St. Louis Pl., Atlanta, Georgia 30306

MEMBERSHIP INFORMATION - Information regarding membership in the club can be obtained by calling Bill Moll at 706-859-7726 or WHMoll@AOL.com

WEBSITE – Our website is Georgia3D.com.  It contains information about the ASA and 3D in general.  If you have information to add to the site, contact Steve or Suzanne Hughes directly or through the website

                                                             2007-2008 Atlanta Stereographic Association Officers

President – Bill Moll

Vice President – Ralph Reiley

Treasurer/Membership - Marilyn Morton

Projectionist – Larry Moor

Hospitality – David Horton

Competitions – Ken Kistner

Webmasters – Steve and Suzanne Hughes

Newsletter Editor - Bill Moll – 706-859-7726, whmoll@AOL.com